Every woman should have a makeup bag that contains essential items that will come in handy in any situation. You may think that a list of items would weigh your bag down, but actually many of these items are small in size, and can be used several different ways. I have taken the time to list of few items that a lady shouldn't leave the house without.
1. A small good quality Mirror. You never know when you have to take a peak at yourself or go freshen up your makeup. It also comes in handy if you have to take a peak at a cute guy behind you!
2. A small vial of Fragrance. A small rollerball perfume, or simple spray works just fine. A woman's scent is so important, and when you need that quick freshener, its right in your magic bag.
3. Hand Sanitizer. Hands pick up so many germs, and you don't always have access to water. This item also has a great use for removing food spills on clothing!
4. Hand Cream. You never know when you will be approached and have to shake someones hand, so when that situation approaches, you want to make sure it is a soft touch.
5. Nail Clippers. This tool can be used for so many things, from a snagged nail that has been getting caught on every little thing, to a loose thread on some clothing.
6. Lip gloss or Lipstick in a neutral color. Choose a mocha, pink, plum, nude, or whatever matches your skin tone the best. The reason for this is that in addition to it being used to touch up your lips, but it also works as blush or eyeshadow on the go.
7. A travel size of deodorant. This is another product that helps us out when it comes to freshening up on the go. I don't know about you, but I am human and sometimes I forget to put on my deodorant while rushing out the door, but luckily I have my emergency deodorant in my bag!
8. A safety pin. Sometimes we are rushing so much, that we forgot that the shirt we put on was still missing that button you were suppose to sew back on. Or even sometimes we wear that shirt that is cut a little too low for the office. Well your safety pin will do the job in a hurry to get you through your day.
9. Mascara. Sometimes you just need to add that pop to your eyes for a simple pick-me-up after a long day.
10. Feminine Cleansing Wipes. These things do wonders! They come in handy for many things, whether you have to wipe your hands from a messy lunch, or freshen up before you meet up with friends for drinks after work. This product ladies is definitely something I just can't go without.
Not to say that you have to carry all of these items on you, but take my word for it, they will all come in great need at some point.
~XOXO FashionHustler
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